How to Interpret the Results of an Evap Line on a Pregnancy Test - WeHaveKids - FamilyHow to interpret the results of an Evap Line in a Pregnancy TestIncorporated in dentistry, Sree is currently conducting laboratory sciences. She loves to research and share information on various health issues. Evaporation line at home pregnancy test. Does it mean I'm pregnant? What does an Evaporation Line mean in a Pregnancy Test? It can be confusing when a woman sees two lines in her pregnancy test, one dark and one very weak. If the line appears within five minutes of test, then a . However, a weak line could also be a line of evaporation, which, according to Dr. Peter Rizk, MD, "is caused by urine evaporation in the window resulting from a pregnancy test. It develops after the recommended reaction time frame (approx. five minutes) when urine in the test area starts to dry, leaving a weak and colorless line. This may appear in any test regardless of brand." This line is not an indication of the hCG hormone that reacts with the reactive in the pregnancy test strip at home and does not indicate a positive pregnancy. Unlike a weak positive line, it can be a light blue or light pink (depending on the test mark), a evaporation line is almost colorless. Dr. Rizk says that "the manufacturers recommend that they not read evidence after a designated period of time, as most test marks have the possibility of developing evaporation lines. "What causes an Evaporation Line? A evaporation line appears when a woman waits too long and reads the result after the recommended reaction time period (usually five minutes after the test). That's why it's important to read the results in the right way. Some women keep the test strip after seeing a negative result and then check it again after the recommended time and assume that they are pregnant when they see a weak line. If the test is negative in 5 minutes of testing, then it is negative. Waiting a few more minutes won't make it a positive result! Evaporation lines do not always appear for each test. This is because urine has very unique characteristics and composition among different individuals. Some women can see a evaporation line after five minutes while for others, this line may appear in an hour or so. Attention A line of evaporation does not indicate pregnancy and is simply a result of evaporation. Do not make the mistake of considering this weak positive line. Attention A line of evaporation does not indicate pregnancy and is simply a result of evaporation. Do not make the mistake of considering this weak positive line. Do the evaporation lines have color? Evacuation line vs. weak positive. Faint Line vs. Evaporation LineCharacteristicFaint Positive LineEvaporation LineThickness The same thickness as the control line Often thinner than the thickness of the control line Appearance timeIn the recommended reaction time. (This depends on the brand's recommendation, but it is usually 5 minutes.) Increasing beyond recommended reaction time (usually after 5 minutes or more). Color The same color as the control line Normally colourless, greyish, almost undetectable Thickness The same thickness as the control lineOften thinner than the thickness of the control line Appearance timeIn the recommended reaction time. (This depends on the brand's recommendation, but it is usually 5 minutes.) Increasing beyond recommended reaction time (usually after 5 minutes or more). Color The same color as the control line Normally colourless, greyish, almost undetectable What does a fake line mean? A weak line means a positive pregnancy if it appeared during reaction time. If you see a weak line after 5 minutes of taking the test, then it is a evaporation line and NOT an indication of pregnancy. What does a fake line mean? A weak line means a positive pregnancy if it appeared during reaction time. If you see a weak line after 5 minutes of taking the test, then it is a evaporation line and NOT an indication of pregnancy. The difference between a evaporation line and a Faint Positive If you see a weak line within the reaction time period, it is not a evaporation line. No matter how weak it is, this line is considered positive and is an indication that you took the test too early — most likely right after implanting when hCG levels are still low — or your urine was diluted. A evaporation line appears after the assigned reaction time and is virtually colorless. What color are the evaporation lines in pregnancy tests? Evaporation lines in pregnancy tests are usually colorless, but not always. There are some evaporation lines that have color, either a light blue or light pink. The color, however, is very weak and not as dark as the color of the control line. The evaporation line can also appear sometimes grayish. Evaporation Line Color in a Blue Pregnancy Test In blue dye testing, the evaporation lines are very weak. This type of pregnancy test kit has two windows. The elongated window will display the control line, indicating that the test kit is working properly. Right next to this there is another round window where the test line will appear. Negative result: A single horizontal line appears for a negative pregnancy test. The horizontal line is always dark blue and solid. Positive result: If it is positive for pregnancy, there will be a horizontal line intersected with a vertical line, forming one more sign. The evaporation line typically appears as a very weak, thin and almost colourless vertical line. If you test early and have low hCG levels, the vertical line can be weak. Once again, if you read it after the recommended reaction time, the vertical line is more likely a evaporation line. Types of Lines in Pregnancy Test A test line should normally appear in the center of the test window. If the line appears anywhere, but in the center (or not even spaced with the control line), it is called the identification line. The lines of the indentes are completely colorless or may appear white in some cases. They may appear within the frame or outside. A line of indentity is quite common, but sometimes misinterpreted as a positive indicator of pregnancy. However, indent lines are simply the antibody strip of the test kit. It is not a line of evaporation, a positive test result, or even a false positive. If the indent line is grey or has color (any weak), then it is considered as an evap line. Dye Runs The dye races are coveted lines that appear in the area where it should be a true test line. This is a fake line. It may seem like a promising indication of pregnancy, but it is not. It's not an evacuation line either. A true test line must be solid, not stained. The dye races are usually a result of the dye that is not able to run smoothly through the test strip because the dye gets stuck and accumulates in an area of the strip. When this happens, the test results are not reliable. You should try again with a new test. Disappearing Line A missing line is a solid color line that disappears or fades after a few minutes or a couple of hours. This can be a huge decline for those who celebrate a positive result only to be disappointed when it disappears. This happens when the whole dye has not finished flowing over the test strip. The dye can be briefly stuck in a place and then move on later. A line of disappearance is not considered an evacuation line or a positive result. However, it is not a clear negative either. The pregnancy test is not reliable in this case, and it is recommended that you re-test using a new test. True positive test result A true and reliable positive result must appear as a solid line that is colored and does not disappear. The color must be the same as the control line. The width must also be the same. It must be very visible and remain visible even after 48 hours. With most pregnancy test marks at home, the positive test line never fades. Understand the truth about the evasion line. Pregnancy and interpretation test results. Remember! A negative or positive result in a home pregnancy test kit is not a definitive result. Both other factors can produce false positives or false negatives. If you think you can be pregnant, you always get a checkup with a doctor for confirmation. Using and interpreting a pregnancy test kit at homeMost home pregnancy test kits require a minimum of five minutes of reaction time. This is the time necessary for the chemicals in the test kit to react with the hCG hormone in a woman's urine. hCG, or human choraline gonadotropin, is one of the early hormones produced when a woman is pregnant. This is released by the choir, one of the fetal membranes that ensure the survival of the embryo. There are two basic types of pregnancy test kits at home:How are home pregnancy tests accurate? Pregnancy tests at home today are very reliable, as long as you use a concentrated urine sample and do the process properly. The best sample is the first urine in the morning. This will give the most accurate result. The day of urine collection also matters. HCG levels (if present) depend on how far the pregnancy is. In the early stages (a few days before a lost period), you will have very low levels of hCG because the main tissue that produces this hormone has not yet developed completely. As the pregnancy develops, the levels of hCG constantly increase. Read and interpret the resultsThe results must be read between three and five minutes. Beyond that, the urine will begin to dry, and a evaporation line will begin to appear. During the reaction time, the bands will begin to appear in the test window. These bands will show a positive or negative pregnancy. A single line means a negative result of pregnancy, and two lines means that the woman is pregnant. The first line that appears is the control band. The appearance of this line indicates that the test kit is working. The second line will only appear if the test kit has detected the presence of hCG in the urine sample. Home Pregnancy Test Good Practice It is important that a home test be done properly to get the most accurate results. The instructions differ slightly between several brands and types, but usually you should follow these guidelines: Frame Test Time Many women wonder. As a general rule, you must wait at least a week after your lost period to test. If you want to take it before, you can use a low-sensitivity pregnancy test (less than 20 mIU/ml), however, these tests may not be accurate, so it is always better to wait. Causes of a line of false evidence Others of evaporation Taking the test too early Some women use a pregnancy test at home even before a lost period. The best time to test is at least seven to 10 days after ovulation, or at least three days after your lost period. Testing before that can result in a weak negative or positive false reading. If you get a weak positive line, repeat the test after a few days. Use the first urine in the morning. This urine sample is concentrated and will probably have a higher level of hCG, which will give you a more accurate result. Home Pregnancy Test Sensitivity LowTest sensitivity varies from brand to brand. Getting a test kit with greater sensitivity will give a more accurate result. Most tests are 20–25 miU/ml. The lower the number, the more sensitive the test will be. Typically, higher sensitivities are recommended for testing during the early stages of pregnancy. These test kits use a different formulation in the antibody strip so that no matter how low the hCG concentration is, the antibodies will still pick it up. If you use a lower-sensitivity test kit that is designed for testing during the subsequent stages of pregnancy, the test will not be able to detect the low amounts of hCG. urine sample is diluted It may be that the urine sample used is diluted. If it is diluted, hCG concentrations in the urine are too low, and you will get a weak reaction in the test strip. Urinary dilution occurs when there is frequent urination and/or consumes a lot of fluids before taking a urine sample. To avoid using a diluted urine sample, use the first urine in the morning. Generally, you can try at any time of the day, but the first urine of the morning is really concentrated. This is because the urine has remained in the urinary bladder to sleep for one night. For a pregnant woman, this urine will contain the highest concentration of hCG. Therefore, the first urine of the morning is the best sample to get more accurate results. Chemical Pregnancy This is an early involuntary abortion that will still produce hCG hormones, resulting in a positive weak pregnancy test. During early abortion, the fertilized egg is implanted and produces small amounts of hCG. Then it separates (miscarria) before fetal forms (i.e. choir, etc.). If fetal membranes are not formed, hCG levels will remain low. If a woman sees a weak line, there is a small possibility that HCG levels would remain low due to early involuntary abortion. Typically, women who experience a chemical pregnancy bleed a lot a week after their period. If you suspect a chemical pregnancy, consult a doctor immediately. What should I do if I see an evacuation line? An evacuation line in a pregnancy test means nothing, so it has to be discarded. It does not indicate pregnancy and is simply a result of evaporation. If you think the line is a weak positive, the next best step is to repeat the pregnancy test. HCG levels in the body are usually doubled every 48 hours. As hCG levels increase, the positive test line must be darker. You can also consult a qualified medical expert for confirming tests (i.e. ultrasound). Finding the help of a medical expert for further testing is the best option. There are cases where false positive results occur with pregnancy test kits at home. HCG levels are affected by several factors and are not limited to the presence of a fetus in the uterus. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge and does not replace the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription and/or dietary advice of a graduated health professional. Medicines, supplements and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with a qualified individual provider. Find immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency. CommentsMonika gulgi on July 11, 2020: I have a question that my pregnancy test is of clear color... TN pregnancy iam or not plezz Tel meHertty on May 24, 2020: I am pregnant because I have tried and is a weak line. And second I'm also pregnantSarah law on December 26, 2019: Trying the pregnancy one line was dark and another one light .. did another negative test not start my period yet what does it mean that I'm not pregnant? Cassey on December 25, 2019: If the pink line doesn't mean you're pregnant? I hope this isn't pregnant. Because I keep studying I don't want my family to get mad at me, help me..katelyn churunel on December 03, 2019:Im ttc. I tried with blue dye and had a very weak line, tried with pink dye and was negative. Could she be pregnant? Nombuso on October 01, 2018: Hy please my pregnancy test started with the negative line after it passed out and dirty I am pregnant puppy guysMuma on August 05, 2018: I have taken 3 pregnancy tests & they all appear as 1 bright line on the other very light line, and I wonder if I am pregnant ... ive take 2 in the week that come out like 1 bright line n the other 1 very switched off Priya on December 25, 2017: Please help me. I have weak line .doctor says I am pregnant but after a few days I did the pregnancy test at home shows negative . it may say that please I am pregnant or not. Natalie on October 12, 2017: Please help me. I'm 18 years old. I think I had a positive pregnancy result. In July 2017, my boyfriend and I had a PROTECTED SEX. I didn't ejaculate at all, because I was too tired that night. I had a 16-hour flight and I was very tired. We're in a long distance relationship and I was pretty tight and we couldn't insert it completely. (Note that we use condom all night we try to have sex.) I didn't have sex with anyone before that, or for the last 10 months before Rhhat's night because we're in Idr. So without ejaculation, without complete penetration. It was also the fifth day of my period. Sex protected.2 days later, I went to Depo-Shot. I waited 11 days until I had sex with my boyfriend again. We had no sexual contact 11 days after the depo. After a month of depo, in August, I started bleeding. Inregularly. Despite bleeding, my boyfriend and I have sex once a week without a condom, sometimes ejaculates inside me. I thought I was safe because I was at the Depo-Shot. Our last sexual intercourse was at Sept. 21, 3 days later, I returned abroad. Now, on October 11, I tried to prove myself for pregnancy, because I thought my belly was getting big? Lol. Please note that I am a 50 kg, little girl, I was a little fit before I went to see my boyfriend but I definitely earned weight eating out while with him. My breasts are not sore. I don't feel tired or asleep all the time. But did my test show anything else? Or maybe they're just evap lines? So in October 11 I tried my first pinch of the day. I used digital Clearblue. I tried at 430, waited and saw it was negative. I threw it in the trash bin. Befpre I'm going to school at 8:00, I checked it again. Negative. (again, he couldn't take the picture.) When I came back from school, I noticed that there were thin lines I can't describe. I'll put the picture if I can. Please help me. I'm in grade 12 and last year of high school. I'm very careful with everything, and I even went to birth control... the shooting depot. I didn't have sex, because the doctor said to wait 7 days before I had sex. I waited 11 days. So, he had regular sex after that wait. The last sex is September 21st and my appt nxt is October 17th, that is, the shot is still in my body. Please help me. 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Pregnancy Test Evaporation Lines: What are they? We include products that we believe are useful to our readers. If you buy through links on this page, we can win a small commission. We include products that we believe are useful to our readers. If you buy through links on this page, we can win a small commission. Pregnancy Tests at home You may suspect you are pregnant if you have lost a period or are experiencing morning disease. Even if your instinct says you're waiting, you'll still have to confirm it with a pregnancy test. You can collect a pregnancy test at your local pharmacy or . These tests are. But sometimes, the results are confusing. Some pregnancy tests involve two lines: a control line and a test line. The control line appears in each test, but the test line only appears if there are levels of the pregnancy hormone in your urine. If you take a pregnancy test and see two lines, you can think you're pregnant. But the appearance of two lines when a home test is used does not necessarily mean that you are pregnant. The second line could be a evaporation line. That's why you can get a line of evaporation in a pregnancy test. How does a pregnancy test work at home? A pregnancy test at home is a simple way to find out if you are pregnant before seeing a doctor. When you schedule an appointment with your doctor to confirm a pregnancy, your doctor may take a urine or blood sample. A laboratory checks these samples for a hormone that the body produces during a pregnancy, called . This hormone is released in the bloodstream once a fertilized egg implant in the uterus. The body produces a low level of hCG during early pregnancy. The level increases as the pregnancy progresses. Pregnancy tests at home are designed to detect this hormone. Typically, a pregnancy test at home involves peeing on a test stick and checking results minutes later. If the result of your pregnancy test only reveals a line (the control line), it often means you are not pregnant. If your test results reveal the control line and test line, this may indicate a pregnancy. Always check the test instructions for a evaporation line. What is a line of evaporation in a pregnancy test? Evaporation lines are common and can occur with any pregnancy test. A line of evaporation is a line that appears in the result window of a pregnancy test while the urine is dry. You can leave a weak and colourless line. If you're not familiar with the evaporation lines, you might see this line and think you're pregnant. This may result in disappointment when a doctor confirms that a pregnancy has not occurred. You can't control if a evaporation line appears in the result window. But you can learn to distinguish a positive test line from a evaporation line. How to identify an evaporation line in a pregnancy test Evaporation lines are common in pregnancy tests, but do not appear every time. It depends on the chemical makeup of each woman's urine. One of the best ways to avoid any confusion when using a pregnancy test at home is to check your results within the reaction time. This is the window to receive a precise result, and varies by brand. Every pregnancy test at home comes with instructions. Pregnancy tests are easy to use, so you can open a pregnancy test kit and take the test without reading the instructions. But if you want to avoid taking a evaporation line for a positive test line, you should follow the instructions and check your results before the urine is completely evaporated. Some pregnancy tests have instructions to check the results after two minutes. Others have instructions to check the results after five minutes. The risk of a false positive is higher when you read your results after reaction time. How to Avoid Having a Evaporation Line in a Pregnancy Test An evaporation line in a pregnancy test appears after reaction time. Unfortunately, if you let the test sit for a long period, it is difficult to know if a weak test line is a line of evaporation or a positive result. You'll have to take the test again if you can't check your results within the recommended time frame. It is also important to note that while a line of evaporation seems weak, a weak test line in a pregnancy test does not automatically suggest a line of evaporation. A weak positive test line may also appear if a pregnancy test is done shortly after implantation when your HCG level is low or if your urine is diluted. This can occur when you test pregnancy later in the day after you consume many fluids. Next Steps A pregnancy test at home can detect a pregnancy, but there is also a risk of a false negative or a false positive. A false negative may occur if you take a pregnancy test too early, even before a lost period when your hCG levels are not high enough. False positives are less common, but may occur with a chemical pregnancy. This is when an egg implant in the uterus and an abortion occurs shortly afterwards. If you think you are pregnant, or if you are confused by the results of a home pregnancy test, make an appointment with your doctor to have an office test. Healthline and our partners can receive a portion of income if you make a purchase using an earlier link. Last medical review on December 6, 2018 Read this next series of words

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